I’m a star!

Marina Abramović

Rhythm 5


Channeled songs 9/8-9/9/24  - Scroll for channeled messages.

Rumors Lindsay Lohan

“I’m tired of rumors starting, I'm sick of being followed. I'm tired of people lying, saying what they want about me. Why can’t they back up off me? Why can’t they let me live? I’m gonna do it my way take this for just what it is”

How I Feel Julez Santana 

“Now why can’t I just smoke a blunt and be me?”

“You fuckas don’t know a damn thing about me, a piece, a part, a hamstring about me”

Party Up in Here DMX 

“You’re wack, you’re twisted, your girls a hoe, you broke, kid ain’t yours and everybody know”

Letter to Stacks Max B

“Wanted both of our styles, my hooks, your flows”

“I love my family, I love the way we used to be”

Shine Max B 

“Can’t stop my shine shine shiiiiine”

Staying Alive Wyclef Jean

“Can’t stop the shining, you wanna stop the shining? Can’t stop the shining”

Opposite Gucci Mane

“You gon pay to eat the box I’m the opposite, ima break her cut her off, that’s the opposite”

Why You Wanna T.I.  

“-playing mind games man. I think the time came that your mind changed ya understand? Life is like a chess move, you need to make the next move your best move, keep it pimpin’ you understand?” “I showed you how I feel, you know what I’m sayin’? I put myself all the way out there you know? Ball in your court man but I’ve just got one question for you- 

Is you happy?”

Scotty Doesn’t Know Lustra (whole song)

Two Princes Spin Doctors (whole song)

What Would You Do? City High

“What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor cuz he’s hungry and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money and his daddy’s gone, somewhere smoking rock now in and out of lockdown, I ain’t got a job now. So for you this is just a good time but for me this is what I call life.” 

“What would you do? Get up off my feet and stop making tired excuses”

Girlfriend *NSYNC

“If you were my girlfriend, I’d be your shining star”

Hell Rell Freestyle Hell Rell 

“If Jesus turned water to wine you can turn that hoe to a housewife, yeah right”

Horses Kodak Black, Boogie, PnB Rock

“Going so fast hope I don’t crash, one false move that could be my last”

Supa Star Group Home 

“No rules and you only have one chance, if you fuck up kid, you face the circumstance. At night I used to scream and shout, living in the ghetto tryin’ to get the hell out”

“I wasn’t living rich and I also wasn’t poor, I try to appreciate but I deserve more”

Change Clothes Jay-Z

“Girl I promise you, no substitute. Its just me”

Video Killed the Radio Star The Buggles (whole song)

Bloodstains Agent Orange

“They can’t make things worse for me, sometimes I’d rather die. They can tell me lots of things but we don’t see eye to eye. I know they know the way I think, we know they always will. But someday I’m gonna change my mind, sometimes I’d rather kill” 

“Bloodstains, speed kills, fast cars, cheap thrills, rich girls, fine wine, I lost my sense, I lost control, I lost my mind.”

“Things seem so much different now, the scene has died away. I haven’t got a steady job and I’ve got no place to stay. It’s a futuristic modern world, things ain’t what they seem. Someday you’d better wake up from this stupid fantasy.” 

A star :)

It’s 9/9 and I’m feeling fine

Enter the portal. It's time to stop letting actions of others influence your life decisions. Make your next move your best move. 

Somebody feels disappointed in the decisions they have made in the past- one particularly leading to several other bad decisions under the guise of ‘going with the flow’. You probably realize by now you are not going with the flow. You are allowing others to be the ‘adult’ in the situation to relieve yourself from the responsibility of your own decision making. Staying under the illusion of others being responsible and mature removes you from the responsibility of your own life so you can keep blaming others when things go wrong. 

Sick of how people are treating you? Leave. Sick of people talking and taking behind your back? Grow a spine and remove yourself. Build your self confidence and thicken your skin with compassion for yourself. 

Are you getting this strange feeling that some people around you are two-faced? They probably are. Believe your intuition as it will be kicking in heavily. You have allowed these people to stagnate your life. You have allowed yourself to be distracted constantly by putting out fires other people create, allowing your ego to feel important and justified. “They need me!” Okay Captain Save-A-Hoe. How about you save YOURSELF? There is an emphasis on building self confidence to realize these people’s problems are not your own and to act accordingly and swiftly before it truly does become YOUR problem. If you are being urged to leave a situation, make the move. Hesitation will only lead to more confusion and upheaval. You will lose EVERYTHING if you do not willfully relinquish what you are being called to remove. The consequences can be extreme around this time period, as can the rewards. The choice is yours.

In a more literal sense, somebody could be dealing with a very deep and hurtful relationship betrayal or will be soon. Someone for the streets needs to be left there. They could have picked up an illness through sexual exploration outside of an established relationship. They could possibly be providing the person/people outside of the relationship with resources belonging to their partner. There could even be a situation involving a child and questioning of paternity. 

There is a strong emphasis on lies and deception. One or all parties involved could be in an extremely self-deluded state causing them to feel stuck in shame, unworthiness or fear. 

This emotional cycle can be broken only by turning within and making peace with what you know to be true about YOURSELF- not based on what others say or do. Everything begins from within, so your environment is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. It’s time to grow. 

Have you ever had a favorite article of clothing that you wear to actual shreds because you adore it so much? There comes a point where that particular article of clothing becomes too worn, too shredded to even make a comprehensive outfit. The fundamental purpose of clothing is to protect your body to some degree. If there are holes in your socks and your toes are sticking out, it removes the fundamental purpose of the article of clothing, rendering it useless. Your favorite shirt when you were 5 years old will not fit when you’re 35. 

It’s time to get rid of the things that no longer serve us. Ideas, beliefs, feelings; these are all just glimpses of people we think we may want to be and things we may want to experience. In order to accept the experiences we crave, we must align with the version of ourself that is doing this specific thing. If you desire a higher experience you must relinquish what has already been used up in the past. You can only show up to your new future and new location NEW. Open-minded. 

Imagine you’re finally invited to a fancy dinner at a 5-star restaurant you really wanted to try. You can’t show up in your ratty clothes that don’t fit. It will not matter if your garbage clothes are your favorite, or even if you look great or feel most comfortable in them. The staff will not allow you to enter. You will be refused at the door. It’s really that simple.

So what do we do when we ‘stop making tired excuses’? Excuses like, ‘these people won’t like me, I don’t have enough money, I don’t know how to do my hair, I don’t like that kind of food…’ keep you in the hole away from your desires. You can change your clothes. You can borrow an outfit from a friend. You can choose to try the food you think you don’t like. Maybe you find out that drinks were on the house and your date wanted to treat you; you never needed to worry about paying in the first place.

Change your clothes mentally and physically to get into the spaces you want to be. Change is uncomfortable, and can even feel embarrassing, yet not as embarrassing as being left behind at the valet because you couldn’t clean yourself up for the event YOU were invited to and so excited for. 

The foreign, sometimes uncomfortable feeling of looking and feeling better will regulate with time once the people you were worried about being embarrassed by LEAVE. These people tease you and diss you because they did NOT GET A DINNER INVITE. They did not get the opportunity to come with you, so they will fight relentlessly (outside of the restaurant, even) until you truly do not give a fuck. When I say you don’t give a fuck, I mean their opinion of you has dissipated into nothingness in you own mind. Not wishing ill or harm on anyone. You will naturally become more secure in your new clothes as time passes and you decide you can get used to looking reeeeeaaaaaallllyyy good. All the time. Without them. 

Many people and perhaps one or two particular people are watching your moves and they see you elevating. You have multiple people interested in you romantically and business-wise. Some can’t make up their mind and want success with you in both ways. Princes and princesses want to honor you, treat you well, and spoil you. You’re a star! A SHINING fucking STAR. They are nervous to approach you because you have such an other-worldly aura about you. To the point where people think you’re beyond out of their league and going ‘real places’ (like frequenting 5-star restaurants…) in life. 

Some people are feeling shame and guilt for the way they have treated or spoken to you or about you because they can clearly see your resilience. This is causing disappointment in their underestimation of your capabilities, whatever that is for you. They are disappointed that their attempt to make you feel bad only fueled your self-confidence enough to propel you to a higher level, further away from them, not toward them as they expected. Negging and purposeful rejection doesn’t work on genuinely confident people. We have shit to do. Grow up.

You are showing out by simply existing and it is going to rub people the wrong way. Let them be upset at themselves for their weak attempt to devalue a true fucking super star. They had their chance to have and hold you, and possibly tried to make you feel like you were worthless or replaceable. This was a reflection of their own self-value. Know and hold that in your heart as a fact. 

The people who have betrayed you are not doing well. Especially not without you. They are learning that your energy, love, affection and attention is one-of-a-kind. You are an amazing friend and partner. You have a natural capability to dispel conflict and bring arguments to closure and resolution. Whoever you were or are in conflict with saw themselves as skilled in deceit, but you saw this coming from a mile away and turned your focus inward. This was very confusing to this person attempting to manufacture emotions from you. They are now laser-focused on how you were able to do this and see through the illusion. They get frustrated, knowing they will never understand HOW you know what you know. When in reality, the how doesn’t matter. Even if you explained yourself, this person has an inability to listen without bias or projection. The fact that you can see through this person like a window genuinely irritates them. Don’t worry about their misplaced anger. 

There are many people interested in what you’re doing and who you are as a person. People are viewing you almost as a concept instead of a human being which causes them to project things that may or may not be true onto you. 

People sense your strong energy and either understand it and respect it, or are confused and offended. Things may feel a bit ‘black and white’ when dealing with others over the next few months. Engaging with people who are confused and upset can and will be very daunting. Do your best to stay neutral in conflict and allow yourself to remain balanced, humble and secure in your new identity; as someone who holds a lot of self love, compassion and respect for oneself. 

There is a sorrow and a bitterness someone is feeling towards themselves, in regards to how they treated you. There is a ‘man, that could have been me’ vibe lingering, someone is feeling left out. They are on the outside looking in. They are reviewing actions taken in hindsight and are realizing what they have done far past the expiration date of a situation. Almost when you feel like you have the perfect thing to say during a heated exchange, but you only think of it when you’re in the shower 4 days later. Except this is a more drawn out situation. It's giving ‘the one that got away’, but this could be for anything. Past romantic partners, friendships, job opportunities, family bullshit is all on the table and coming to light, revealing some troubling patterns keeping people in opposition. The ‘woulda coulda shoulda’s are palpable for people experiencing the return on their poor investments (or non-investment). 

Anyone with ill-will or malice towards you is getting their ass handed to them. No job, no place to stay, no emotional fulfillment. These people are having to go deep within themselves to truly transform or succumb to a lifetime of self-hatred and misery. They are becoming very uncomfortable in their circumstances and forced to see how they treat others based on their own pain. 

They are being forced to witness themselves in the box they put themselves in, while simultaneously witnessing your freedom, joy and abundance. They fell into their own trap, made for you. Whoopsie. They are noticing how they duped themselves out of a beautiful, fulfilling life by trying to rob you of yours or distract you. There has been a veil of dense karmic energy blocking your view of yourself and your future that is now beginning to lift. With you seeing yourself clearly, so can anyone of mutual value. 

Someone is realizing they got snaked. They were lied to because they refused their own truth. This person/people could have grown up around violence, addicts, filth, scarcity and other scary shit. This person has never felt protected, and still doesn’t really know what is harmful to them. They are beginning to realize what safety and peace means to them, and who they feel safe around. They do not feel safe or peaceful where they are and are beginning to notice things could turn really ugly if they refuse to open their eyes to what the people around them are up to. Possibly even a set up involving a long-term legal situation. 

This person is beginning to feel like they might deserve more than the ‘hand they were dealt’. This has been very difficult to even see anything other than what they have endured. Yes, endured. This person has persisted in the same pond water since childhood. They are beginning to feel slimy and gross because the water isn’t deep enough to swim through. They’re basically just flopping around in the mud, metaphorically. Maybe physically too, honestly. 

Perhaps this person does not have a place to stay (or is having trouble feeling ‘at home’ even if they are literally at home), doesn’t have much money or even mental stability (or they are dealing with people that have these issues). They are growing weary in this transition period. This person dreams of being somebody valuable and righteous, but they are greatly struggling with self-image. This person only knows how to get out of the mud one way, and it is not working this time. They can’t just wait and wait for a rain storm to fill their puddle in the middle of a drought. They will benefit from this period by releasing expectations of who they thought they were to begin with. The situation is calling for evolution, Darwin-style, to make it out alive. The things that usually excite or placate this person are not working, they are beginning to realize this is the beginning of the end- of who they thought they were. Instead of saying “Well, this is just my life and it sucks and I make bad decisions because I’m stupid and I suck” they are going, “Well, that didn’t go as planned, what can I do to make things feel and look different this time around since I’m somehow still alive?”

Somebody could have had your name in their mouth and it's getting smacked off their palette. They don’t know you, so don’t let it bother you- even if it has changed the direction of your life significantly. Whoever was willing to listen to gossip or slander regarding you is getting a rude awakening as the truth is revealed, slowly but surely.

Clearly there is a lot of random information here, as spirit would have it, so if this doesn’t apply to you at the moment (or ever) don’t sweat it. If you don’t want STDs or kids, get tested, use protection and mind your business. What songs have you been hearing lately? Send me some. 

Much love



Shedding Skin to Begin